freeCodeCamp progress

It’s been a short while since my last update, i did make some progress. If you have no clue who i am it really isn’t all that interesting so i’ll just start. I’ve started on the Magazine assignment today, it seems quite fun, i do think i should report something for other freeCodeCamp users… i don’t know if this will apply to you but i feel like my certification assignments (the ones without guidance) are lacking compared to the other assignments, of course it’s kinda logical since i am still a beginner. Might be because working without guidance is logically going to be a whole lot more difficult than completing guided tasks with hints and a goal that was worked on by a team of profs. This however doesn’t really demotivate me or something but it does kind of frustrate me since i’m basically using 110% of my brain to try and match the level of the exercises. Well… i’ll just try and think some more and if any of you have some magic-potion for working out ideas please do let me know. Anyways… have a nice rest of your day!